Tim does not like surprises. I do. Tim does not like any recognition or big "to do" about his increasing age. I do. Tim does not like to spend a lot of money on non-practical things. I do.
So, recognizing these differences, yet also knowing my husband does enjoy things such as museums, pottery shopping and trying
new things - all of which I don't - I decided to think of something fun for his birthday. Quite a challenge I can assure you. One thing lead to another and another and another on my search on the internet. I have been quite pleased with the end results and my surprises for his special day.
On November 20th, 2009, my husband awoke to begining his 49th year. I took off from work - something to note I'd like to say. We started the day dropping Walker off with the grandparents and then meeting with the Principal at West Pine regarding a concern related to one of Hunter's teachers. Then, we were off. My husband very graciously accepted my challenge to allow me to surprise him during the day. A difficult task for him to agree to, but he did.
Our first stop was a coffee shop in Star, NC. We always enjoying finding new spots to enjoy a hot cup of Coffee and the paper or the news via the internet. Unfortunately, this one did not open until 0900. So, in an effort to kill time, we went to visit the Star Museum. (Hard to believe this tiny little town would have a museum, but there it was.) Martin-Charm prevailed, not open.
Back to the coffee shop we go, at 0920, the owner had still not arrived,
so my special planned day was not off to the greatest start. Next stop, Floyd's General Store in Ether, NC. Tim enjoyed a cold, spiced GingerAle. I was able to purchase some Diet Coke- 8 ounce- longneck short bottles. Quite a novelty and very hard to come by. My day is going great!
Next stop was Piney Ridge Pottery. Tim enjoyed looking around. We got a few Christmas gifts out of the way and he learned a few tricks of the trade from these potters. Next, was a brief stop at Sid Luck's Pottery. This is one of Tim's favorite potters. Although Martin-Charm kept us from visiting with this nice gentleman, we still were able to look through his shop and enjoy his talented works of art.
I'm closely watching my watch and trying to time things just right and Roberts-Charm (my good luck vs Martin-Charm seemingly being bad luck) brought us to a new found favorite eating establishment - Jugtown Cafe! Great food. Great prices! Great service! Tim is having a good day!
One of the highlights and big surprises of his day was ZipLining! Tim had never been and we were the only ones there. The guides were nice and the owners were very kind. We got to travel a couple of the the lines twice and the weather, although cool, was just right. Tim seemed to have enjoyed his time swinging from tree to tree!
I now have more time to kill before our next adventure, so an excuse to enjoy one of my favorite pasttimes - thrift store shopping - was done. We then, were almost late to our next appointment because Tim enjoyed looking at every shoe and boot in the store. He loves a good pair of boots and the warehouse, discount store in Asheboro was just his cup of tea.
So, to recap, by 3pm on his birthday, we have attempted a coffee shop and a museum in Star, NC. We have enjoyed a Ginger Ale and Diet Coke in Ether, NC. We have conversed with the owners of Piney Ridge Pottery and toured the barn where Sid Luck has his pottery displayed. We have found a new place to eat and enjoyed Jugtown Cafe. We have ziplined in the trees of Randolph county, shopped at a couple of thrift stores and tried on 30 different pairs of boots and shoes.
Now.......down a small, narrow street in downtown Asheboro, we drive and park. Based on an idea from the movie Couples Retreat, our next stop is Couples Yoga! I'm smiling, quite proud of myself for coming up with such an activity. My husband, on the other hand, is struggling with "Oh my! I cannot believe she is having me do this" vs "I need to keep my mouth shut and body language intact and just go with the flow. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but what in the world was she thinking?" Although I could sense some hesitation, it was exactly 3pm and no time to pamper his worries. So, I drag out a bag I had packed and ask him to go change. Our yoga instructor is one I had communicated with online. Her name is Jacqui and she was ever so kind! My husband appears from the changing area wearing...are you ready?....some Hawaian style swimming trunks and a t-shirt. These were selected for the elastic waist for ease of movement. So our session begins. We stretch and pull and balance on one another. I try desperately hard not to laugh on several occassions. Tim was quite serious when we got started. Me? I'm just looking for ways to have fun. An hour and a half later, after relaxing on the floor to chimes and bells and lavendar smelling stuff, we are off to our next destination.
The next stage in his day was not exactly planned because I wasn't sure how we would do on time, but it did work out. 30 minutes of driving brought us to Pittsboro, NC to an artsy-fartsy cafe called The General Cafe. The food here was good too. Spinach lasagna for me and a Vegetarian burrito for Tim. A quick picture of him with a life-size Mermaid made the moment memorable as well.
Next on our itenarary was the place to lay our heads and sleep...a Bed and Breakfast in Siler City. Although we both share a certain uncomfortableness with sleeping in someone else's home with other strangers, this B&B had a separate cottage. We arrived to be greeted by a very nice gentleman who had similar taste and interest in pottery like Tim. After a quick tour, the final surprise arrived - a couples massage. After a big day of swinging in the air, shopping, yoga and traveling, I had thought a good massage would be a great way to end the day. So, at 9:30PM, Mr. Tim Martin concluded his very busy 49th birthday with a glass of "sparkling wine" (my version of Champagne!) I had fun planning and participating in the event. I hope he had fun surviving it!
I love you and Happy Birthday!