Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A San Diego County Public Transportation Exploration
I am on a trip to San Diego with Joy this week, and while she has had to go to class and slave away today, I have had the day to kill, so to speak. I have learned that San Diego not only has nearly perfect year round weather, but they also have a wonderfully diversified public transit system that not only covers the city, but the outlying county as well. So for $15, I bought a four day pass that allows me to ride any of the buses, trolleys or rails in the county for an unlimited amount of rides. Yesterday, Joy and I took the bus across the bay into Coronado. We found an internet cafe and Joy worked on her homework and I played on the internet. After she finished, I located a couple of geocaches to find before we left Coronado (which, by the way, was beautiful!). As luck would have it, on our way to the first geocache, we stumbled upon a lovely massage place, and Joy decided that sounded better than geocaching anytime. So while I was out hoofing it looking for a geocache, she was being rubbed down by Kim, or Chan, or Jackie or whatever. When I finally met her an hour and a half later, she looked completely relaxed.
So back to todays adventure. I got up early this am with plans to use every aspect of SD county's transportation system. I started out by taking the "Coaster", a train very similar to the Amtrak trains that were at the same station. They are like the English double decker buses with a top story! I rode the Coaster to Oceanside, expecting it to be fantastic with Ocean views and a nice ride. Wrong! For the most part, the coaster tracks followed gullies and went by junkyards. The train itself was nice and comfortable.
In Oceanside, after getting off the train, walking to the ocean (where I took the picture of the surfer) and back and generally killing a half hour, I boarded the "Sprinter" bound for the inland city of Escondido. The Sprinter was a smaller, lighter version of the Coaster. It was a single level and seemed to be lightly powered. But it did the job. It was comfortable, quick and best of all, free! (with my bus pass). I was quickly in Escondido, and unlike the Coaster, I saw some beautiful country along the way. The end station in Escondido was a transit center, so it had buses going in every direction. These were the "Breeze" buses that were seperate from the SD City buses. The drivers wore Magnum PI shirts and it was casual. Oh, it also was free.
After an hour at a nearby Barnes & Noble using their bathroom and internet, I set off on a Breeze bus for Solana Beach and ultimately, La Jolla. The Breeze took a single lane road through the center of the county and it was beautiful. The views were spectacular and everything was hilly, green and well kept. Very nice place to live. And like all of this area, very expensive. Gas is around $2.25 but sometimes seen for $2.49. Everything looks rich. Many import cars and everyone seems to have an accent or speak a different language. Lots of Europeans, Asians and of course, Latinos. This is a big research area, with Scripps Institute nearby.
Finally, after a couple of bus transfers, I landed in La Jolla (by the way, this is pronounced "La Hoya", so I sounded pretty country talking about going to "La Jolla". I got some stares!). La Jolla is a very, very high end community. It is built on an oceanside slope with beach clifts, spectacular views and huge waves. I spent an hour or two here, ate lunch (a $12 Belgium Endive Salad that would have fit in a cereal bowl) and went to a great coffee shop. I also walked to the beach and snapped the photos you see of the beach clifts and rocks.
Back on the bus and back to SD Old Town station, where to complete my day of public transportation, I boarded the SD trolley for the last leg home. You would have thought I was a bus inspector or something. I can say that it was very nice to have a public transit service that is so comprehensive and integrated. I can see how it would be useful to have a similar system in many other places. I would ride the Sprinter to work if it ran down Hwy 211 in Moore county. It would be great. Maybe one day, we will see the value of some type of shared transportation in all of our lives.
Another beautiful day here in SD! I understand it is snowing in Eagle Springs this morning. Going to soon be 75 and sunny here.
Till Later (I am going to the Museum of Man and the Museum of Natural History today in Balboa Park. I doubt I will make it to the world renowned SD Zoo. Just too much to do.)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Riley & Pell
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Photo Albums Online
Walker's 3rd Birthday
Hunter's Soccer - 2008
Fall - 2007
Sparta Trips - 2008
Merchant's Millpond - 2008
Family - 2007
Riley & Pell
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Brittney's 22nd Birthday
Walker's 3rd Birthday
Yesterday was Walker's third birthday! It is hard to believe that he is growing up so fast. His time is flying.
had Grandmother and Granddaddy over to share in his birthday cake.
Walker really had fun and liked blowing out his birthday candles. He
got them all the first time!
the cake, of course come the birthday presents. Hunter was there to
help him, just in case he got into a bind. Walker really likes doing
anything with Hunter!
got a lot of cool presents - a couple of games (Chutes and Ladders,
this duck game), a sticker book (he is completely wrapped up in the
sticker books right now - one he got from his uncle Jerry at Christmas,
he plays for hours), a toy lever action rifle and a piggy bank.
Finally, we had a family game of laser tag. I was outnumbered because the two boys teamed up against me. No fair!
Last, Walker got a little help from Granddaddy with his newest sticker book.
Birthday Walker. You have been a great present to us since your real
Birthday! I hope that your birthday was great and that your fourth
year will be as good as the first three. I love you !
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Our Strange Visit to the NC State Fair
The very strangest thing about the fair was not that we met Kay Hagan up close and got to speak with her. The odd part was that we had just met another Senator earlier in the day. That Senator was Senator Dole. And I don't mean Liddy Dole, but instead the venerable Bob Dole (you know, the ED poster child). We were roaming around in one of the agricultural areas when I wondered off to see the bees. Brittney was with me and Joy was with the boys. She called me on my cell and said to hurry over, that somebody running for Senator in NC was over with the cows. I asked her who it was and she told me she didn't know his name. I told her that two women were running for the seat and not any man. She said for me to hurry over and see who it was. When I got near, I immediately saw that it was Bob and not Elizabeth that she was seeing. Brittney ran over and got a picture made with him, although you could tell that her heart was not in it!
Walker's Christmas Deere
I hope that the lawnmower can stay strong for a lot of years. Hunter really enjoyed his battery powered car that he had and used for many years. If Walker gets as much use from his, it will be well worth the money!
Merry Christmas Walker! Now, what are we to do for your birthday?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year's Day - 2009
"Hunter", I said, "Let's go and sight in our rifles". We had just put a new scope on Hunter's new rifle, a Ruger 77 in 220 Swift. I also got a new barrel for my Thompson/Center Encore in 25-06 which I had mounted a new scope. It also needed sighting in. We moved the picnic table around to the front yard and set up a target in the pasture. For sandbags, we used rice and sugar bags from the pantry! And even though it was mid morning, it was still bitter cold!
After quite a few rounds of shooting, we were finally able to get the guns sighted in at 100 yards. Now no excuses for missed deer! All the guns were shooting well and performing to expectations.
Happy New Years!!!