Ten years of bliss is upon us. Yes! Tim and I have been married 10 years. We escaped to Ocracoke Island to celebrate – leaving all three kids in the loving hands of their big sister Brittney. She did a wonderful job especially with Walker who spiked a temperature of 104 one night.
We left on Wednesday the 4th of April, with no time limits or agenda – other than to get to our destination. Even signing our taxes and paying the Government didn’t dampen the mood. We were on the road by noon and rather than being stressed to get to the ferry on time, we elected to drive down the OuterBanks. We listened to an old cassette we both had made when we were dating called "Reply". It was fun reminiscing. I would record a special song, then he would get to listen to the surprise song/words, interpret them as he wished and then reply with his song. And then we continued back and forth. It was fun remembering what we intended to say in each song. Really quite romantic -young love. Now, ten years later, the "Married with Children" series doesn't seem so funny, only real!
We arrived at 9:10PM to a wait time of 50 minutes till the ferry to the island arrived. Our first night out was spent enjoying a picnic (in the truck) by flashlight! It was nice and cozy inside – it was cold and breezy outside!
Our nice little studio suite was cute. We – well, my husband, searched and searched for “free” – well, borrowed – wireless Internet. We didn’t miss the TV nor the DVD player nor the phone ringing all the time, but we did miss the Internet. He did find it, but only if you were out on the balcony – in the breezy, cold weather. We did enjoy the fire! (free standing, enclosed gas logs), but the romantic image was still there.
The Island was surprisingly busy for this time of year, but I guess Spring break and Easter vacation brought all the visitors out. We drove on the beach, we walked through the village, we found the coffee shop – shut down for remodeling, we found a “hippy, Busch-bashing, love child” store. We laughed and had some “oh my” moments too while shopping there. We enjoyed eating out too. One place was called the “Flying Melon”. What a name! And their décor was colorful chickens and roosters – not melons. I couldn’t help, but ask what the name stood for and the response was that the co-owner had a melon-head, thus the Flying Melon seemed to fit. Hmmm?? You have to wonder about some of these “island folk”.
It was a delightful trip, just enjoying each other and the quaintness of the island. We left on Saturday – with bad weather canceling the Cedar Island ferry and a long line waiting for the short ferry to Hatteras. While on the ferry, we were dusted with sleet and even saw some snowflakes. We missed a geo-cache though. Darn! If we had just been paying attention to the pieces of wood in the ocean? The drive home was long, but we did some Easter bunny shopping and we arrived home safely. “Finally!” was Brittney’s sigh!